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Child and Family Psychologist in Derbyshire
Call us on 07754 439891
email: admin@percuropsychology.co.uk

Are you feeling burnt out and anxious?

Are you finding being a parent is way more difficult than you ever imagined?

Are those day to day challenges with your child triggering your own childhood trauma memories?

Perhaps you’re losing your cool and becoming that shouty parent you promised yourself you would never be? Do you doubt your abilities or find yourself withdrawing from your child, not enjoying your time with them?

Do you want to feel calmer, more confident and fulfilled as a parent?

Dr Melita Ash is a Clinical Psychologist with a doctoral level qualification and many years experience in NHS, charity and independent settings. She has helped many parents who feel just like you do and is also a parent of 3 children herself.

Using evidence based models and approaches, Dr Ash aims to truly understand your unique circumstances and provide personalised psychological support to help you to move past these challenges and rediscover a happier, more empowered version of yourself.

Compassion, integrity and building a strong connection with you are the core values that guide her practice.

Reach out today to schedule an initial discussion and discover how Dr Ash can support you on your journey.

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