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Child and Family Psychologist in Derbyshire
Call us on 07754 439891
email: admin@percuropsychology.co.uk

Psychological Therapy

Therapy sessions are 50 minutes long and can be weekly or fortnightly. We believe that the therapeutic relationship is key to therapeutic success and will work hard to help you feel safe and comfortable within your relationship with us. We use a range of therapeutic models and approaches and will always explain these to you and answer any questions you may have. We will regularly review our work together to ensure it continues to be helpful and will agree together the appropriate time for our therapeutic relationship to come to an end.

However, at Percuro Psychology we never ‘discharge’ people and you are always very welcome to book further sessions in the future should you feel you need them.

For Adoption Support Fund (ASF) interventions we will provide mid-treatment and end-treatment reports.

Please contact us on: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 07853 246044 to enquire about any of our services.


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